
Ever felt like that before? You know where you think things are going in one direction, only to figure out in a moment that they are not. Those suddenly’s. Well that’s kinda how 2022 started for me - not in a bad way at all, just unexpected.

The interesting thing about the word unexpected is that it it can be both abrupt and wonderful, astonishing and swift, unanticipated and amazing - all synonyms for the same word. I feel like each of those packed together make something unexpected.

But there is another definition: “not regarded as likely to happen”

It’s always so interesting for me that for some reason we think the start of a new year brings something fresh or different when really God’s clock is not tuned in to the 1st January if you get what I mean. However, it has felt like 2022 is full of fresh starts, new things and clean slates.

So maybe you are wondering, okay Kelsey - so what brought on all the unexpectedness? Well there were a few things. But it all started with looking back. I took some time to look back at 2021, to really take a good hard look at the year that was. I began to realise that 2021 had been unexpected but not in the abrupt, swift way but rather just in unanticipated things. 2021 was filled with new friendships, community, adventures and unexpected moments of gratitude.

I experienced moments filled with incredible people, spacious places, belly laughs, hurts, excitement, tears, frustrations, uncertainty, disappointments, new things, old things, all wound together into the fabric of my day to day life. And I didn’t see that happening.

There was so much talk of change and then there was so much change but somehow I found myself rooted amongst people I would have never expected to be there. So Grateful - especially for my faithful friends. Through the highs and lows and everything in between - I know I can count on them. Shared faith and shared loads.

So what about this year? Well, it started with two employees not renewing their contracts with us (at Untamed Creative Society) - effective pretty immediately and while that was really not a bad thing, both ended well. It was unexpected. And this all in one week, after we signed another big contract and I was writing curriculum due in the same week (haha!).

But there is this line in a song called New thing by Young and Free that has been playing over and over in my head: “These are the days that we prayed for”

These are the days that we prayed for. We’ve been praying to see God do the impossible - but in order to do that, we kinda need an impossible starting point. Nothing is impossible with God - do you believe that? I’ll be honest, I mostly don’t. But there was something - or is something - a faithful expectancy that I believe God is unlocking. To see the impossible made possible with God. To take him at his word and to trust him with every single hour of every single day. To believe that what may seem crazy to us is just a starting point to him.

I am tired of not believing that God is who he says he is. I am tired of being anxious and worn out. I am tired of letting the lies grapple my heart and soul and not the truth. If God says it - I want to believe it - and I want him to help me in my unbelief.

And let me tell you, some of these things feel crazy. Decreased people, increased work - how God? How could we do it? A job for a friend, a miracle in church, a marriage on the contrary, a young generation coming to know Jesus and finding community in an individualistic world - how? It all seems impossible.

But now is the time for us to run, to let go of the old and to pray fervently and continuously. I read this recently and it hit home:

“In prayer, we intend to leave the world of anxieties and enter a world of wonder” - Eugene H Pieterson.

Have you lost the world of wonder? Of all the the wonderful things God has done? Maybe like me, life gets in the way, people get in the way - we get lost in miscommunication and overthinking (of which I am more guilty than I’d like to admit!). I wish I could just say what I wanted without fear of rejection or disappointment. But we can lose sight of the fact that we are not here for ME, but for WE.

You see, there are many things that I regard as unlikely to happen, I am the kind of person who thinks that I have one chance and if I miss it, it’s overs - YOU’RE OUT!! It’ll never happen - dramatic, I know - I think like that. But I had a friend remind me today that God does not work like that!!

I have been challenged to build on the firm foundation. To trust God even in the crazy things, to believe him and to realise that “He keeps in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, for they trust in him.“ (Isaiah 26:3)

God is faithful. I have seen it time and time again and this weekend I was reminded that He does miracles in the mundane. If we would wake up each day and just be faithful. Be prayerful. Be expectant.

God is doing something new - he is doing something unexpected and I feel like the question He poses is this: would you trust me?

Psalm 37, one of my favourite psalms says this: Psalm 37:3 Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.

“Depend on God and keep at it because in the Lord God you have a sure thing.” Isaiah 26:4 MSG

I hope that wherever you find yourself tonight you are filled with courage and hope - and you decide (or decide again) - to put your trust in Jesus!

He is our Sure Thing, the Firm Foundation - we can trust him without being shaken. He is the God of the impossible!!

Much love

